Welcome everyone,

Let's meet the bridal party!

Bonnie So-Bagano

She is my Maid of Honor; Bonnie is my best friend ever since I came to America. We've known each other for many years. Bonnie and I used to go to school together. She has taught me many things in my life and has always been there for me. We had so much fun during our school years. I am grateful that she lives in the same area, since this gives us the opportunity to stay in contact.
Si Si Hou

I have known Si Si almost eight years; she has been a good friend of Michael and I. Our friendship started through Michael's best friend Walter. Whenever we hang out, Michael and Walter talk about their gadgets, while Si Si and I would converse about the city. She is also from San Francisco, and we both love the city.
Corie Ng

Corie and I are good friends. We went to San Francisco State University; we studied together after school. She is always a kind and pleasant person to be around. We also used to go to church together. She always makes sure that I feel welcome at her church.
Walter Mayeda

I've known him ever since elementary school. He is my Best Man. We evolved with the technology around us together, ran BBSes, programmed, ran a company, and went to high-school together. For college we both went down south but ended up in rival colleges; UCLA vs USC. And we both came back to the Bay Area to roost. It's not surprising we both ended up in the computer field.
Wilson Chen

My brother who's nine and a half years younger than me. He is finishing up College now, and works part time. Growing up we've played a many computer and console games together. Games like Starcraft, Quake I and Quake II, then later Warcraft, those turret defense type maps were always fun. It's great to have an instant mini-lan party whenever the mood strikes.
Stewart Kuang

He has been one of my friends since highschool, we had a lot of classes together in Highschool, and had similar outlooks on life. He is a very entertaining fellow. He's now a teacher, and molding the next generation. His students respect him... or maybe they fear him? They definately obey Mr. Kuang's orders.